Grease proof paper

The greaseproof paper of PELICULAS Y PAPELES ESPECIALES SAS is a development of the company, awarded internationally for invention and innovation in packaging industry. It is not pulp paper and it is not a plastic either. It combines the best characteristics of both materials, resulting in a sheet with perfect waterproof characteristics, a pleasant feeling to touch and completely biodegradable. "It looks like paper, it feels like paper, it behaves like paper ... but it's not paper!"
27 a 100gr/m2
UP to 50cm (20")
80 cm (31")
Bags, sheets, rolls
up to 4 direct plain inks

Our Biodegradability technology is based on an abiotic decomposition (hydrolysis) where molecules are being destroyed from the insede to the outside allowing microorganisms to destroy the fractured chains; ending with biotic decomposition (acidogenesis, octanegenesis and methanogenesis) and thus biodegrade the material.
** tests carried out on Greaseproof Paper of 30 gr/m2

Main uses
Mainly used as a replacement for wax paper and in lamination with various products.
Fast food wrap (burgers, sandwiches, wraps, tacos, burritos, etc)
Replaces disposable plates for fast food, liner for pizza boxes, sweets, muffins and any product rich in fat.
Home bags
Liners for (slides) cold meats and / or cheese
Wrap for Margarine, butters, or fatty products
Wrap for candies

Wrap for chocolates
Protection of adhesive products (silicone anchors very well since it supports heat curing without problem due to its high thermal coefficient)
Finally it can be used as a wrapping material for metal parts that need to be packed and lubricated.

An issue that is inherent to the previous one is that there are packaging and paper sheets that need to be non-adherent, for which the company developed a greaseproof paper that allows the application and subsequent cure of the silicone, resulting in an excellent anchoring on paper.
This is achieved thanks to the fact that we increase the thermal coefficient of the paper, that is, that it supports more temperature without the film from suffering any deformation